Every night I would go out And wander among the garden Something about the night air Made the garden feel alive
I would walk about for hours Just watching the moon Reflect off the gently swaying leaves Of the great trees in the grove
I would never venture beyond them My mind would not allow it But on this night in particular The trees called to me stronger than ever
So I entered the grove Cautiously curious It quickly grew denser And appeared much older than it should
As I continued on I thought I noticed the trees move Perhaps it was just the wind Or my vivid imagination
I followed the path laid out By whomever had come here before And soon I found myself It a strange new environment
The foliage itself seemed to change It all seemed foreign to me I looked back only to see No visible path from which I came
I had no choice but to keep walking And so I continued on That dark forest path Into the ominous night
It lead me to a clearing With a great lake That so vividly reflected The light of the full moon
The water itself seemed to glow And as I looked out I noticed a figure Sitting on a small island In the center of the lake
They wore a pure white dress More elegant than the stars It seemed to absorb the very light From both the moon and the water
I felt a calling to them Even stronger than that of the forest Though I could not swim I began to wade through the water
I found the water to be fairly shallow So much so that it did not rise above my waist As I drew closer I began to hear something A sweet voice reverberating off the water
Soon enough I came to the island which was sparsely vegetated The only light other than the figure Was a strange luminous lamp stand
The white dressed woman As I presumed her to be Did not turn around Nor seemed to notice my presence
In the dim yet pure light I looked about the island And came upon something That I should not have seen
Strewn all about the ground Were piles of bones Just from quick observation I could tell they were human
The voice I had been hearing stopped And the white woman began to move She moved in a way so unnatural of this world That I had trouble focusing my eyes on her
Soon the sweet song turned foul And in that moment I knew That she was the one from my dreams The white dressed woman