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Mar 2016
I afore
So enamor'd of the thought
Did open up my heart
And let misguided light seep in

Mistaken was I
Though as touch'd by dying light
Trying much to hold on
To what was not

Affix'd was I
Hath grown fond of subtle pain
Did steal me of my strenth
And rob me of my hope

I thought I shan't allow such to pass again
No love is worth such sorrow
Alack and erewhile
And sun shines on the 'morrow

I thought I shan't allow such to pass again
Standing in the sun and in the rain
Whither I met you
And knew you as a friend

I wist and I am fain
Twixt the twain
The teen that what hath seen
I lief to love again
Written by
Torin  charlotte NC
(charlotte NC)   
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