I used to starve myself for him I would go days without eating because I wanted to look like the posters of women in their underwear he had hanging in his bedroom I would make excuses as to why I could never go eat with him at a restaurant I didn't want him or the world to see me as a pig I would make myself sick trying to look good for him My hair wasn't thick anymore His mom used to make comments about my face sinking in I had to wear more makeup to cover up the dark circles that began to form under my eyes I made sure my arms never jiggled I didn't care that my hands hurt all of the time I was able to go without wearing a bra because my ***** were disappearing I could see my hip bones perfectly My thigh gap made me smile Exercising became addicting and anything involving weight loss was all that I spent money on *** was great I never worried about hurting him while being on top because I was small Pregnancy wan't a concern because lack of eating took away my menstrual cycle I never felt pretty unless I got his approval I did everything I could to look good for him To be good enough for him Two years of this insane unhealthy roller coaster only to be cheated on and broken up with before my favorite holiday I starved myself for him and still that wasn't good enough
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: February. 22, 2016 Monday 7:21 PM