This morning brought to you by a lack of everything. Also forgiving every customer solely on the basis that they haven't had coffee yet. Like Oprah Winfrey is in my blood handing out second chances. "You get a smile!" "You get a smile" "Go **** Y!~ ou get a smile!." Because we've all been there. Pre-Java grump at everything. So I guess what i'm saying is... Rich white people who probably won't read this.... I get you.... you're welcome for the coffee and optimism. I hope you pay it forward in some way... May my smile and My compliment of your expensive jewelry transmorph through your ears into your brain and out your mouth at... A fellow employee Or Your children Or Your husband. May they see you significantly after you drink this coffee. Which I did not. could not. possibly tamper with. (Hehe. Tamper) Because this is self serve. So, "Go S*rve Yourself." And have a nice day.