I had professed that I admired the way it had caressed my face. The way it cupped my cheeks and combed through my tousled hair.
I once professed my love to the wind...
I had professed that I was infinitely enamoured with its playful but gentle ways. The way it would upset the serenity of my clothes. The way it would engulf me cool on a hot sunny day.
I once professed my love to the wind...
I had professed that I get addicted to the way it would reach into my lungs and abscond with my breath. Leaving me asphyxiated for a brief moment before mischievously introducing new air; hale and fresh.
I still profess my love to the wind...
I'd profess my adoration for the way she fills my sails full and my heart full of hope. For I am a lone sailor in a crowded ocean. Sailing in a vessel bound for nowhere... Traversing time and space with my love, my breeze... my air.