i feel it. nausea. i feel it when i think of you; i feel it when i think of them, and what once was and could have been, and how i let it slip through my fingers,
cascading gently, gracefully and clumsily past my cellulite flesh, forming a deep pool, for you all to splash about, while i stay gripped, by nausea.
it is my own fault -- this nausea -- for i let it fester and fuel me with anger and hate, bubbling and boiling in my chest, but i watched. i let it happen. i let the nausea in.
nausea is my name. it is the feeling of a cry i have been choking on for what feels like 20 years, 20 years i have not lived but have instead been gripped by nausea.
inspired by sartre's novel of the same name. also mental illness and crippling loneliness at midnight. have fun.