It's not enough to merely tell me I need your words to compel me Each breath to leave me hanging on To the cliff my heart rests upon Ready to jump as soon as you fumble Be cautious in your words that mumble Along the edge of my mistrust For I will leave if I must At the first mention of a cage Your chapter will end and I'll start a new page For I'm a bird flying free Gaze up at the sky and see Me soaring up above Without the confines of your love Despite the devotion you professed I will not be possessed For the sake of your insecurities Fear expressed through jealousies Your use of lusting attraction Only serves as a distraction From yourself you seek to hide Ignoring pain you feel inside So take a look into the mirror Until you see a little clearer Don't ask me for my hand Until you begin to understand And perhaps you learn the lesson Love is about appreciation Not possession.