Years ago, or so it seems, when “love” was finally allowed, you said to me: “Write me a poem.”
Years ago, and I mean Years Ago, the words wouldn’t stop. And I loved them all. And they all meant I was alive and they didn’t have to mean much.
Years ago, but more recent than I’d like, I gave it all away. Dizzy, naked, ******, the walls were blank and close and my head was always pounding: IDONOTHAVEAPROBLEM:
I am an artist...
Years ago, or so it seems, when it was ok to cry and your bed became my bed, you uttered the most horrifying words I could ever have possibly heard: “Write me a poem.”
Here it is. Now. There’s blood in my eyes and a ringing in my ears -- but my head is gone and my hands are gone. And I can’t hide. Not anymore.