A whisper reaches my ears please just relax We are going to serve you
A blue Light Within the depths of my heart You've been here since I was 5 Holding me together From tearing apart From losing my mind You are the frequency in my voice That people have come to fear The commander that Bends armies to it's will How many times have I heard "It's your voice"
Alright sure, I scare you again How, I won't understand for the life of me I'm just calm Just me Just scary to you...
Age 25, standing before the mirror What does it look like to see me Introspection Suddenly and for the first time I see it for myself Never noticed before Even while perfectly calm...
My teacher's voice echoes through my mind
"You walk in like a thunderstorm!"
But now I see it I scared myself There's nothing to be done It comes from inside The blue Light The Source Light The warrior with the color of my eyes
you need to come to terms with yourself young lady you look like a girl but that's not what people see they see a solidier, nearly two meters tall let it go, reincarnation is a teacher You can be a girl and a master at the same time. you make men have to be stronger so they won't try to bend you to their will you stepped up to protect yourself and it's time to step down
And so I looked to Guan Yin The mother of all women I smile from my heart make me a girl Not a woman Not a warrior a girl The smile is returned And I'm dressed in Soft pink and flowers *On the inside
It's a tough day in spiritual realms. Spirituality is such a mind-**** sometimes. :D Context: all my life people have been telling me "you're not really a girl" and all my life I've been insulted. Even my oldest friends took a few years before I finally got "*** you ARE a girl". Thank for noticing!!! So I guess I'll have to start dressing in flowery dresses and such nonsense.