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Jan 2016
You sung her a song
while watching the stars
You made her believe in forever
With just one strum of your guitar

She never forgot the song
you sang to her that night
You even danced with her
You filled her heart with delight

You held her close to you
Your hand on her waist
You are the memory
She wish to erase

Bitter sweet thoughts
fill her mind everyday
When she saw you with
another girl in the hallway

Sweet and cute
you both acted
You didn't see her
You were too distracted

Quietly, She sat
A few rows behind you two
She wishes you knew how she felt
She wishes she told you

You thought she didn't like you
but you didn't notice the signs
Shy smiles, touchy hands
You didn't read between the lines

She takes half the blame
You liked her and she liked you
She regrets not admitting it
She thinks about the chances she blew

When the song plays
She remembers the dance as if a must
She remembers the look in your eye
As if no one knows anything but us

But life goes on
She'll live her life with this regret
You'll live yours never knowing
Maybe soon she'll forget
"Tenerife Sea" by Ed Sheeran
Go and listen to it. I needed to get this out of my thoughts. Its about I guy I liked in HS and he liked me back. I knew he liked me but he didn't know I liked him back. I was in the car and Tenerife Sea played. This was the song playing he danced with me. Every time I hear that song, it fills me with regret and sadness. It hurts to listen to it. I still wish told him.
Written by
Stxlle  20/F
     ---, ---, ---, Michael L, Bianca Reyes and 4 others
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