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Jan 2016
almost full moon earlier
lighting the earth
bright soft light
scattering everywhere

so cold that the wooden boards
comprising the deck
crack and snap at each
foot step
merely soxed ones at that
no heavey shoes

waking after several hours
go by
walking out with hot water
in white china cup
boards snap and
their winter song flies out

hating to return to the warmth
of the bed
would rather be out
under the moon
the moon i've missed,
missed so much

the rhythm of the seasons
bears me not in mind
natural changes since
the beginning of time

but wait for me dear moon?

i didn't mean to be away so long,
and now i don't mean to sleep
away from your charm

beautiful moon
beams down,

silly little one
you can't stop the
eternal march
of this imagined time

tears do no good
to the deep deep
wisdom of this moon

i sit patiently
when i do sit

under the light,
the subtle rays
of her monthly

a lone star is visible
this last of nocturnal

morning rushes
closer with her
impending light

clouds cover the heavens
it won't be so bright
when the moon and her light
slip away with this waning

it is said
it is predicted
a blizzard on her way
to cast all astray

dear moon
you and i
will sit
and wait

to find out
exactly what form
this storm shall take!

i love you dear moon
my bestest of companions
but for my beloved puppyhead
you two for sure
but, well, then again
there was Pd

we all love you dear moon

you regulate our ******
those of us with ******
and regulate our charms

in harmony
with you
whether we know it

or not!
am i ee
Written by
am i ee
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