paint me this picture, sonorous color clutching the quiet ****
pressed against cloying scenes, a loose hand bannering a bayonet.
rivet me waters, and much of the Earth tightly groping inlands,
thatched in the branch nowhere alone, is the song of God lullabying cities.
again the whole sky with its keen eyes manifests a gleam worth knowing a cherub,
and sooner than it is later, when the seasons postpone their flamboyances, chiaroscuros of smoke, deceit, uncared for and unheard shrieks bounce off careless corners and the song of God is but static with little wings clipped and tossed into vicissitude:
song or no song bearing a fruition of attrition:
resounding far-away: a comatose of cars, a scuffle of powerlines, a melee of battlement and tranquil
continually fluster the child in metronomic dance.