To be tied to a reality other than your own is either liberating or shackling for in the alternative is your own what is true or the absence of anything other than what you have experienced or perceived; what should I tell you about that; did the painting hide something for a reason or might it be better that you decide what the suggestion on a canvas is about; and so why did the shadow stop at the given point in the parallel; do you wish to discuss the physics or instead the abstract claim of a metaphor that is greater than the life which it attempts to emulate; there is no moment without a question; there is no explanation without doubt however slight; this is how you have learned to live; you are not creation even though you can create; you are not death because you will not **** though it is true that you will die; you are not floating as you cannot fly though you move relative to the star you wished upon last night; you are not weightless nor are you full of meaning except to your children or someone you have hurt deeply; you are not happy but you have made someone smile; you are not forever though you believe you can see it when you stare into space even though it is only light from the past; you moved to a smaller town because you used up the abundance of what you once thought illuminated your aura in the presence of others; you were once free to spend all your time with someone you loved madly until they decided you werenβt going to do what they needed you to do; but did you hold to principle or selfishness; the discomfort of their absence has failed to reduce itself to the memory of a movie you once watched; instead it has become an explanation with residual doubt, in other words it is the way we live; we tell someone we love them and find out later that we actually meant it at the time; you are a natural scientist as discovery is everything you crave; you want to know their mind, what they are thinking, how deeply they can love and if they ever truly loved anyone else more than you; but these discoveries are not for your betterment; it is only to provide the comfort of your worth; did a someone love them at their peak beauty then reject them; does it mean they will never get over it or does it mean what you now have is a mind that has finally humbled itself yet has built a wall, not of beauty but instead of caution; either of bricks or stone, but no matter for its strength is the same, as you cannot scale what is intended to be a test instead of understanding or kindness; but is any of this even true; it could well be that you instead built the wall because you were once beautiful and now are only vulnerable, because to walk naked or to ask someone to walk naked before you is the same; and it will not happen until you have found the courage to lose or live with the reality that you have expressed or that they have revealed; all that you can hear at this moment is your own labored breathing; you have allowed your mind to walk where you are weightless; where you creation; where you are death; where forever exists; where the questions that followed doubt became answers that pushed doubt ahead of you, for another day because today the shadow on the canvas finally made sense; it was not about you because it did not come from the brush that you hold in your hand; it was only to be explained fully by the artist; but for you it was to be used as you wish and that is how you will know its meaning; the cocoon and the womb have been left behind and the shadow is only about how you will live; that is what you can see and the explanation will not be forthcoming from its creator; that is for you to decide