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Dec 2015
The moon wears a Cheshire grin tonight
Beckoning me down the rabbit hole
Her pull on me strong as the ocean's tide
I cannot help but go

I jump freely into the abyss
Looking only down, never right or left
I do not need to see what passes by
The words I hear, for I am not deaf

As I fall whispers caress my mind
Spoken words of love, longing, and lust
They are the things I must learn
For to court the dark side I must

The fall has ended, my feet firmly on the ground
There is no light here, all grey and gloom
But in the distance I do see a glow
Here from the dark side of the moon

First I must court the dark side
Attempt to help it find the light
All of this stemming from
The moon's Cheshire pull of the night
Only half her face was showing the other night. Instead of a frown, a smile was there.
#Chesire #darkside #lust #longing
Karina Norris-Veirs
Written by
Karina Norris-Veirs  Oklahoma
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