Our frequent encounters day after day after day I and you would pretend happen by mere chance.
But love lives in the sixth sense, we realize it keeps our antennae up, even when apart we act as if we are oblivious of that one fact. it's this guile, that makes our love so special
A mysterious connect with the movements of each other like never missing the poetry of lascivious flourish of your body intended for me as an aphrodisiac, yet again letting my tender heart to get hit by your eager beetle eyes that'd follow me everywhere I turn decided not to miss anyone of my desires. I too am agile, an avid capturer of motions of your body, mind and effusive spirit that attach with mine in every which way it could; I keep it alive.
It'a amazing how being hopelessly in love with each other synchronizes two human beings, to the levels even humanly impossible!