I have no interest in anything insofar as a warm pitcher of spit.
there is a lineage of a plainspoken truth that agonies itself, a slow ticking of clockwork.
all the pubs are filled with the ugly and the beautiful. so much the naked darlings, so much the people writing, and reading poems wrung dry like unattended cornerstones.
when the flower dwindles, the petals begin to shed. I see people slower than drizzle, tread the long line of existence.
as I write all words washed away by the shore, all separated and lonely, deeply departed as a parting hand of a wave, all people continue their sameness.
inside me, a well-placed margin divides flesh and bone. overwrought the soul, untended to like drops of water from a spigot left open.
sound of silence like the reproach of fires. my mother loathes me for my heavy drinking. my godfathers attenuate the smoke furling above my brows back to its fetal nature. somewhere, somebody is making a killing in front of the billion-blooded.
misshapen. lungs struck harshly by a barrage of quiet. i can barely keep my soul together past the horrible billboards of EDSA. the lampposts, the sun that looks like a lazy eye magnifying everything that hurt. I thrive with faces whose existences have nothing to add me – damage further I keep working up the old moon’s wane.
we will all fall to the ground, we will all have our skin scraped out of the body and we will hear the paring of the flesh sifting away from the bone and it will hurt like old haunts revisiting us
not because we are out of choices not out of weakness; the simple truth that teaches us to be kind does not have its same potency. there is an epidemic of death crawling past hills crunched to the death by the unrests of horses.
pain sends its tired battalion of people lining up across the turnstiles. the ****** utter the flimsiest of moans. the soldiers beat their wives to the ground with nothing but bare-knuckled discomfitures. I fear that soon enough, what keeps the walls together may soon touch the end while I assault the windows
with photographs of slow mornings reduced to slower evenings. such falseness teems where truth should have prevailed.
someone’s time is up and death strays in the room proud of its stench championing the perfumes of boys and girls in the flesh -
we’re all next, first one to go finds the impasse all the same.