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Dec 2015
I wonder sometimes
If the days get cold
would you think of my warm hugs
underneath the moonlight skies
where we laid together
and loved each other?

I do wonder sometimes
and more than I should
for my love hasnโ€™t forgotten
your touch
your kiss
next to the fireplace.
When we giggle
or tease each other
until someone got mad.
Most time it was you-
the face you made
the wrinkle of your nose
and the silly face you made
would cause me to laugh
making my heart beat
faster than a hummingbirdโ€™s wings.

Do you wonder sometimes,
if the time I gave you was ever enough
or the silly gifts that I made for you
truly came from my heart.
The pain inside
doesnโ€™t seem to cease
and my mind continues to dream
of your passionate kiss
and touch.
The pain growing inside
more than ever,
which has put me into submission
and my heart can only continue wondering,
why did you leave me
without an answer
or acknowledgment
of goodbye.
I haven't proof read it--I normally don't, so feel free to make any comments or critiques.
Mr Silence
Written by
Mr Silence  122/M/Here
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