Once there was a boy who was made of flowers He had the prettiest smile and the happiest grin One day he asked, "what are you made of?" I shook my head, I do not understand
"You're different", he said I would reply that I am not His grin suddenly turned grim He pointed at my heart, "You are"
He showed me his heart, you see His paper thin heart But as strong as the titanium In the core of his backbone
At that point I still do not understand
I clutched my heart To see it ****** and such a mess As frail as paper cranes A thousand of these could not grant a wish
I saw a girl in the horizon She's made from shards of glass Brittle and fragile yet sharp Lips painted red, Armed with knives
She said to me,"who are you?" I replied,"I am my self" She stared at me for a long time "Who are you?"
My skin are steel Yet my core had been ripped apart so many times Until it feel as if each stitches were one At this point i still do not understand
The girl sighed Skipping stones and breaking bones What a way to spend eternity She grinned her razor sharp teeth
I still do not understand even at this point
There is a hill there, she pointed at the distance Once there live a giant and a dwarf The dwarf and the giant fought each other Until what is left is...
At that point she gazed at the distance again
It does not have an end, that tale...
She asked me to dance, then Took my hand gently, twirling me with out an end I gaze at her eyes The abyss are staring back at me
At this point I understand what they meant.
In the distance, I could see a shade of what once meant to be brilliant Like a star who decide to fall down Bringing apocalypse as its last performance
At this point i understood
At the end of this journey, I saw someone Who shouted with all their might "Why is the sky still blue? Even if we're dead inside"