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Dec 2015
Take me where the sun glimmers off the beautiful blue sea.
Where the kids splash and the adolescents surf.
Where the kids prance while the hula dancers dance.
Take me to the place where everyone goes.
The beautiful get away.

I've only been there in my dreams.
It's as magical as everyone said it to be.
Long board walk beaches that seem to go to the end of the earth.
Villages built in the 1800's filled with kids that know nothing but happiness.
I aspire to be one of those kids.

Take me there so I don't have to feel like I'm drowning when I'm not even in water.
Take me because I've come bored of this place I call home.
The people who I call friends have come annoyed with me
And I'm unhappy with the ones I call family.
So take me away where I can start a new life.
I'm done here.
Written by
Mikoarenas  Portland, Oregon
(Portland, Oregon)   
     Olivia L, Maddie, ej, y i k e s and ---
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