That day I saw you again, after 3 years, I should have walked away. No I should have RAN away, as fast as my legs would take me… But I didn’t. I was drawn to you once again. And before I knew it I was brought back into your world. Where we would spend lazy days laying in bed joking, as if we never spent time apart. I let myself fall for you. With your beautiful brown eyes and lips that were perfect for kissing, I yearned to be held in your arms. But as much as I loved you, you couldn’t love me. I was willing to give you anything. If you would please just LOVE me... But love can not be forced or demanded. You did not love me. I couldn’t understand why you didn’t care about me and you couldn’t understand why I was hurt. And there we stood, at a standstill. We were both there, but it was like we lived different stories. I didn’t want to leave, but I had to leave, because the more I gave to you, the more I lost of myself, and I was almost disappearing.