I'm waiting for inspiration And I'm left wanting Wanting my writing to be well thought out And pleasant to read and hear Even if the subject itself is not But I hate to wait It takes too long I want to create poetry But my creativity can't keep up with the demand of my twitching fingers The want, the need To create something But not knowing what that something is It's infuriating to say the least So I rush I put out unfinished, not well thought out pieces In order to satiate that itch I swear I'm not a boring person I just tend to feel the same things Over, and over So all my poems start to sound the same Monotonous, restating old ideas Because I don't think about it Or I think too much I try too hard To sound different Unique But that's not who I am I'm just a boy Who happens to fall in love too easily And has a voice But no clear message
Just some random thoughts I had as I was sitting in the hallways as a room chair for debate. Yayy, free time and collecting papers.