I used to believe that people had a choice. For the longest time I believed that you chose who you love But I realized how silly that was when I noticed how I never chose the people that I love today.
For the longest time I believed that you could choose what you want to do but it occurred to me that I never chose to write stories or poems but one day the paper and pen called to me
For the longest time I still believe that people have a choice that decisions can be made to change the current situation
The most difficult lesson I learned is that being sad was never a choice I did not wake up one day and decide that being sad sounded like fun that choice was made for me But I have control of my actions I have control of my words and I'll be in Hell if I don't try to help myself first
So yes, depression is not a choice but to a degree, how we react to it is a choice I could stay in bed all day or I can get up and this morning I felt sad I still feel sad But I got up I got up and that was a choice I made for myself