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Nov 2015
"I'm tired,"* I said,
I tried to walk,
but I stumbled on my foot,
I stand and tried to run away,
"faster, faster," I command my legs;
but no, not an inch did I move.
once again I fell,
"Please," I begged, "it's coming after me."

I drift into sleep.
darkness: swallowing me.
I tried to fight the unconsciousness.

I opened my eyes,
I see the light:
my escape,
my final destination.
I tried to focus,
but slowly, it is closing slowly.

half crawled, half walked,
I made it to the light.
I entered.
my eyes are blinded,
by the reflection of the light,
in so many shards of blade and glass.

I cried,
"At last,"
I just have to find it.
I closed my eyes,
I felt it.
sitting dead in the center.
waiting for me:
the answer.

I fingered it,
I am pricked.
the sight of blood made me jump,
I picked it up,
and utter the last of my words,
"Alas, my sweet the end!"

with all my strength I pushed it.
tears streaming;
blood dripping;
knees fell on the floor;
blade made it's way to the bone.

body and blade in contact,
both cold now and lifeless.
my body and my blade,
have already served their purpose.
Written by
Jielyn Cerlette Lopez  28/Bigender/Philippines
   Sumina Thapaliya
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