I have had wanted your presence, But that seems to fade away. The reason behind my smile was you, And you are going away. What was it that made me stay? For you had always done things which had made my heart cry. I had tried every way I could, But you seemed to fade away. Maybe you were not meant to be with, Maybe was the end. The end of the relation we share, The end of the silence which was a scream from my heart, The end of my feelings for you. I never wanted to be that tough on you, But you gave me no choice but to leave you. I could have waited a bit more, If you had shown me a bit of interest, But there were you, Without any sign, For I had already waited this long, And now I was frustrated, Frustrated of this one sided relationship, In which you showed up one day and you were long gone for the rest. Frustrated of telling myself that you would turn up, Frustrated of the silence, Frustrated of the love. It's better that we stand apart, Because it's no good to be together by now. So here's she signing off, Leaving you with a small world of beautiful memories and moments to smile, And picking her bits of soul that she left with you, To fix her broken heart.