I was crying out for help, As those I loved died all around The sounds of slashing and blood spurting Are two of the most torturous sounds
I was looking frantically around for a while, Looking for a way out But no matter how hard I looked, All exits became closed with doubt
I tried fighting solo, But no man is an island He may want to stand alone, the Gunslinger, But he can't fight up a highland
So I finally gave up I was drowning in the blood of helplessness My revolvers had been completely destroyed Leaving this Gunslinger defenceless
But a hand reached down through the gore, And pulled me out of that sea And when the problem was dealt with, "Visionary, I thank thee".
Dedicated wholly and solely to you, Georgia.Β Β For that one time, in P.E, when I was so stressed I couldn't breathe and you helped me. I needed someone to talk to, someone to help me, because I was drowning. Drowning in a sea of nightmares and bullying, and you pulled me out. "A normal man looks left and right, up and down, for the future. But not us. We are visionaries"