It baffles me how Many who preach Pro-life choose To eat a ham sandwich For lunch, Or buy a "pet" From a *******, Thus taking a Life from the shelter.
Then there are those sad clowns Who think it's funny to say "Yum, bacon!" when you expose the Torture and bloodshed Of some poor animal Produced for food.
And, we mustn't forget The good ol’ “humane" farmers Who raise trusting animals From birth only to Hang them up, slit their throats, and Slowly bleed them out to Turn A Profit.
How can we be so disconnected? How do we not see the Magic in every fetus? The wondrous exchange of Seed to soil - just as humans - Creating a precious being Who also deserves a life Of liberty and justice?
Whether two legs or four, Wings or extremities, Fur or skin, fins or scales, How can we not see their Inherent worth?
Such dire disconnect!
We were created the same Dear human and non-human Animal friends, out of Magic and dreams. We both hunger and thirst, Bleed and seek shelter, cry out In pain, shiver in the cold, Fear, and fight for survival.
We all begin by breathing in Life, And we shall all leave this earth with One Final Breath. How is that not proof of our connectedness?