Mommy lying next to my children, All three fast asleep, Not before I had shared with them a story.
During the brightness of the day I had lied in the shadow of a tree, The thought of Adam in the Garden of Eden came to me. No houses. No cars. No airplanes. No television. No computers. No phones! Just the animals on land and in the sea, God and Adam and... Then came Eve. That came to an abrupt end when they ate of the forbidden fruit talked into by that snake! As if that was not enough Cain did away with Abel!
Many years went by from Noah to Abraham to Jonah, Whom God commanded to demand repentance from Nineveh. Reluctantly is an understatement, But nonetheless reluctantly Jonah did so, Not before he supplicated to God in the belly of the beast for... You know the story!
More years went by to a time when a Persian king forbade a man to communicate with thee Almighty. That man did so openly only to repose with the lions and an angel. I speak, of course, of Daniel!
I moved time along for mommy and my two children to the time of the God man, He who was obedient to the very death on a tree and rose in three!
Mommy lying next to my children, All three fast asleep before me, Now the lamp is off and the nightlight is on, May the one who is our all in all protect thee!