When I tell you that I am exhausted I am not over exaggerating I really am exhausted I work, run errands, spend time with my family but that isn't what exhausts me I live with a disorder that has no respect for me whatsoever When it creeps up on me it is unexpected It wraps it's arms around my neck so tightly that I can't even breathe When it happens no one knows it is happening except for me Sometimes the invisible strangulation goes on for hours Try being in the middle of work when that happens Try typing on the computer Try serving drinks Try cleaning a room with someone's arms wrapped around your neck not letting you breathe and with every attempt to ignore it the strangulation gets tighter What is scary is that it's mental and emotional I can't do anything about this physically so I fight the feeling with my mind which is needed for other things I can't do because the strangulation has my minds full attention When it finally ends I am left wanting to fall to my knees and cough until I can catch my breath If you have ever thought you were drowning and you struggled to keep you head above actual water think of the terror you felt think of the tiredness you felt when you were out of the water Times that feeling by 100 and that is what if feels like to live with depression
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: September. 18, 2015 Friday 4:33 AM