Remember when we talked about death? I said it must have been a savior to those who suffered who seeks but does not found reason who was left out who was unloved, unadored who was pained and who regrets the most
but you said otherwise you said death is the reason for beauty, love, hope and good to exist you said that people would not expect anything in life without death...
I have gone to a lot of thinking again I was troubled with sweet and sad memories this morning and I have thought...
that the reason we fear death the idea of oblivion memories slipping into that black hole...that nothingness it pains every inch of me and cringe my very soul.
that must be it.
just jotting down my song for today. it is not literally a song but rather my soul's wonder for today.
It has been a while since I left a a piece of me here so.. please do comment it would bring me happiness.