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Nov 2015
You gave me so much love and adulation
Alas i can't give you much
Coz i've nothing
Childhood took my innocence away
Teenage years took my sanity away
Adulthood took my dignity away
And now life has taken time away
And now as i'm left alone with my room and empty walls
I wait patiently to be taken away from this world
No one hears my cries save for the walls
The mirror is my only friend
It's been with me through every thick and thin
Whenever i looked into it there wasn't much of a face looking at me
Rather it was the vision of a daily predicament...
...somehow getting through the day unscathed
Poverty and desperation are pretty powerful motivators
It makes you do things you don't want to
I sold my soul to the devil a long time ago
I still feel the repercussions
I'm sorry for all the wrongs i did to you
I hope you will understand why i did what i did
Sk Abdul Aziz
Written by
Sk Abdul Aziz
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