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Oct 2015
Ah, yes I forgot how easy it is to deconstruct people
Like watches and clocks, they all have their own intricate gears shifting and turning
Still, a precise instrument is able to take apart those intricacies and expose that inherent layer of vulnerability
I very much enjoy exposing these facades and their artificial substance
I choose to be that precise instrument
Gratification comes in droves when the opportunity to reveal the truth presents itself
I can see it all around me…These masks
Feebly attempting to cover up for shortcomings while detracting from those around them
I laugh! I rave! How could I not?
So much drama and bluster amounts to nothing more significant than the cream atop a warm apple pie
It amuses me! It defines me! These performances to a non-existent audiences
I could not survive without the chance to tear down these fakes
To rip off that mask and clear their vision
So they could finally cease their endless whines
So they could open their eyes and see
They’re just as ugly as you and me
Written by
Kush  20/M/United States
(20/M/United States)   
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