so it hurts like a sock in the stomach, and you're lying on the ground, taking to the night sky to fill you back up and remind you that you're ok on your own.
so it makes you sick because you're not. and the sounds of dueling orchestrated symphonies ring in your ears and you can hardly hear your own breath.
so you count the invisible stars and let yourself drown in isolation, asking what am I supposed to do now? now that nobody's waiting; now that nobody's counting down the minutes until i'm actually ok again, because once upon a time there was somebody lying next to you on that ground counting the freckles on your cheek and ignoring the invisible stars; how they cried out.
so you miss that and without it you're left feeling nothing but the writhing pain in the center of your stomach from the beating you withstood following several words that concluded your total loss of hope.
result of the orchestrated music in my earphones and undesired news