so many things wander in the night of the world - electric saw of the Hemiptera's wing uncertain of its path, or a hand like a beast in the ornate flesh, the sea of undergarment with its saltine moistness, limbless lips frittering onto squashed out softnesses that remember the fervor of grip or the pleasures of breathing after
the tempest of beings, so many things in different placements displacing me here, savoring the impact just before the crunch of the bone, down to its last ache between the gnash of teeth and the miserly space of cerecloth to a body—
they are many things trundling in the moment and i am just as much, yet a passing only, scouring the walls of graffiti emblazoning abstract unfathomably reachable and misunderstood, lost in ineffable translation — this doting darling contemplates death and i understand now, going deeper as fish sinks into further blue, wet with something else but water.