I am asking you again why there are no shortcuts When your heart is breaking, An electric current pulsates through every vein in my body, Untouched darkness in my brain, good and bad, is sparked, There are no detours offered, My pain is drowning me out And I am sinking, so fast.
Look through the window where waves are crashing against the shore, This morning there was a girl cast out at sea, Her fears had driven her out into the deepest depths She wasn’t even making a sound.
I am asking you the same question again My soul is laid out naked in front of you, Ropes are tied to my wrists and ankles, I’m being drawn as the horse rode by you pulls me Stretched until my body rips, tears, splits like my heart.
Someone is trying to rescue her, It is what you tried to do for me, You told me there are no shortcuts with heartbreak (As you dragged me from the ocean) And I believe what we have is rare and beautiful (As you remind me no love is in perpetuity).