They look at us like we are broken. They hear our life stories and aww 'miser' for picking up and movings continuously People are terrified of their world changing and us, we were born into it and know no other The faces of despair appearing when I say I have moved 9 times, as if I just declared a death. But the last time I checked waking up in a different country every four years
is reviving
When I speak about my life my breath is taken away both because its a lot of “and then I moved to..” but mainly because I am amazed every morning by how much I have accomplished at only 18. The international community I grew up in taught me more than school ever could The term 'Third Culture Kids' was invented for us and we embrace it and are empowered by it There isn't a single person I know that can say wholehearted where he is from Do you know any kid that can say they can sort their friends by continent & last time I checked that was
beyond impressive
Do you know may language I can swear in thanks to it and obviously communicate in Walking down the halls and finding someone that spoke the same language as you always made your day and you would go out of your way simply to have a conversation that others wouldn't understand because your connection to 'home' will always be there But then again, for kids like us ask us where home is and you will never get one response. Having the backgrounds we have always leeds to political arguments but for once we do not sit and spit out the information we heard from our parents but rather each with his national backgrounds comes to the stage. & Last time I checked that was
Living out of suitcases Knowing too many hotels all over the world packing your house in a container continuously adapting to a new culture and society learning to love everyone not having a say in where you move but being thankful that you have...