If you look in the corners Of my heart You'll find One One was the first to plant The small seed of love In my young heart From it flourished a red rose He found it so beautiful He decided to rip the petals off Once he held them in his hands He decided to go find another rose One was the first I wanted him to be the last He was there in the past He will be there in the future
Two Was the second to arrive He found the red rose And saw that it was dry His eyes were oceans And he drowned the Rose in them He was not satisfied with having Only one Rose He found someone else To be his last I opened the door for him to leave So he wrote his name in the past
Three Was the Christopher Columbus Of the oceans of my heart Three rediscovered the dying rose And nurtured it til the petals grew back He wanted to erase the past So he painted the petals white And said it represented innocence He adored the Rose And admired its' beauty He sang songs for it Believing it would Grow more beautiful 2 months too late He realized it never would He loved the idea of the Rose Not the reality of caring for it So he ripped it out from the roots And wrecked it with his hands He left empty handed And left me empty hearted Three was the third I still dream about him Being the last I wish he wasn't Stuck in the past
Four Was a gardener He knew his way around flowers And had with him many dying roses I should have known He planted a rose bush Fed it love poems and pretty songs His voice was the only water The roses would ever need Once they had bloomed He ripped them out And went on his way Onto some other heart He was never truly mine I had always been his He won't be my last He left too many scars I put him in my past