These days my innie is more of an innie The more outie my belly becomes I no longer think of it as a button these days But more of a deep dark hidden cavern
One that holds many mysterious treasures From oodles of lint to colorful twine If you'd rather not know then it's best you don't go On too deep a search and rescue recon
Cause in my innie you may never come outie Just remember my friend you've been warned There are places you know you never should go That will leave you battle scarred and torn
I'm now thinking that I'm more than a little off track On this poem of my belly button It started off fine before it took a nose dive And lost out on that special something
That I always strive in my deep thoughtful writes Of which you all know I have many Now where was I at...I remember now, Oh Yea! Did I mention that I have an innie