…in every visible character man differs less from the higher apes, than these do from the lower members of the same order of Primates.
Charles Darwin, 1871
The Other claims descent from apes then acts like a violent monkey. It pillages, it loots and rapes performing as Satan’s flunkey.
Its actions bear the mark of Cain; brandishing cameras, smashing things. We feel its proto-human pain yet dread the urban woe it brings.
It tries to justify, with words its primal carnage, childish rage. With anthropoid designs deferred it struts the Darwinian stage.
The higher primate government rewards them well in ripe bananas for wrecking their environment (jungle as well as savannas).
Their mate selection (naturally): a semi-simian solution: intercoursing sexually, to hasten their evolution.
The wombs enlarge—they drop their young then text their friends while getting high. They swing from tree-tops, fling their dung, while down below the humans sigh.