The cold breezes of November,
The dark and lonely nights of December,
Days had cut in ones desire,
Now there are snow capped mountains of January,
These months passing by so fast,
And you my honey haven't come by,
You had gone last September,
Promising your return,
From that day on wards,
I waited for your arrival,
The raging war and conflicts,
They have lengthened your stay,
For as long as I can remember,
Now I just can't wait.
Please come back,
The war will take you away from me,
Remember the promise that you made,
You'll be back in one piece,
Let that be,
Vandalism all over country,
All over the news can be seen,
People in uniforms running to save our country,
But I am too selfish to let you go,
I don't care about the rest,
Just the misery that struck me,
Of losing you,
And how it would be !
A confession of a wife to her husband.