I'm over here standing on a side street off in the dirt looking guilty as sin, trying like hell to get cell service out in this miserable rain
I've had two nightmares come true this week, and I've had enough of this hell
My mind is wrought with the truth of my life, and it's awful that it's so real
The greatest thing I can see from finding out these terrible things, is now I don't have to hide my true self from your pathetic eyes
I don't have to pretend that I'm this committed person, but that I have an unresolved desire to be admired
That love is enough if that's what it was, I have doubts
If you only knew the real me, you would probably cry for all this time, you've never been enough
It's all been a deep deep lie, seeping its way out
And I cared, but you're right not enough to stick around, and now you are the one wishing that I would stay in your life
You can't have it all You can choose only one, sadly I've learned that the hard way
We could never be friends after that, you've tainted your image
The illusion that you were this good guy is gone, all that's left is the reality that we are all the same, some of us may bleed more, and some clot right up, but we all bleed someday