It used to hurt... Letting go... But I guess I've become numb to it, When u say goodbye to love so much You kind of just get used to it. I can't let myself keep taking the hit For another runaway love I allow myself the day to cry, Then the next day to adjust. I'll drown myself intentionally In the sadness of my thoughts For one day I am depressed, So the next I may move on. Time may heal the sadness But my mind must endure the torture I see us and our memories Playing over and over. In my dreams when I'm sleeping I see us in a fantasy world Where you stay in love with me forever And I get to be your girl. A life we may never live fully, So I'll just have to make do But I must admit I'm a little upset For falling so deeply in love with you. You caught me off guard with your piercing eyes And with that look that you gave me, I had never felt so naked in public As you stared right through me. Little by little you stole my heart With every deliberate move you made, I so quickly embraced you, Not thinking about being afraid. I tried not to think of the end, I hoped there wouldn't be one Even though realistically I knew I would eventually lose someone. Truth is I hoped it wouldn't be you I was kind of thinking we had a chance Was I wrong to risk it all And fall in love at first glance..?