I wonder what you'd say if you could see me now. If we passed on the street, would you recognize me? Because I made something of myself, you know? I hold down a great job. My coworkers love me. People respect me because I'm good at what I do. People respect me because I'm a good friend. People respect me because I respect them. I made something of myself, you know? I pay my rent and bills and insurance On time with the money I earn by hard work, And hell, I'm proud of me. I made something of myself, you know? Made a few friends along the road And communication keeps us staying that way. They know where I stand And they're proud of me too. I made something of myself, you know? I guess you really don't. It's been years since you've picked up the phone To ask me how I am, To see what I've done, To learn what kind of person I'm become, To behold the woman I have grown into. I've made something of myself, you see. And it just plain ***** That you refuse to be A mother to me. I don't need you to coddle, To hand-hold or problem-solve. I just need you to be My mom. I'm grown, I'm adulting, I'm fine. But, don't you wish you knew me now Instead of just the me when I was a kid? Don't you wish you could see The person I've grown to be? Would you ever be proud of me? I guess I'll never know. But before I go, Thanks. Really. You may not be the best role model or mom, But I am who I am today Because *I chose to be.