Some months ago a partnership was initiated With our individual verbiages for you being instigated All care is taken when composing as a duet As we aspire to put upon the paper our appealing minuet
While she takes the high road and I take the low We often meet in the middle of the poetic flow Bringing together both of our wits More often a hit than ever a miss
Keeping on track calls for a unified side To stray from this course our poem would be a disjointed ride Every now and again we check what's been noted for the crew As we'd not be satisfied with a misconstrued brew
With topics covered to numerous to mention All of them our potted clay of invention We can celebrate what we've placed in our cooking pan Even though our muse didn't give out her recipe plan
So with a little of this and a whole lot of that We mix it together for the perfect batch There's no need to over cook as it's already done The way that we look at it as all in great fun
Being too serious isn't of our writing tag We just stow wit and wisdom into a bag If by fortune we get the arrangement this side of right Our vocabulary combo may be of your delight
With the poem to our taste we raise our glass high Using just the right words just the way that we like No need to ferment this tender bouquet We send it right out with the feeling it's perfectly aged
This is just another in a long line of poems that Elizabeth and I have composed...I'm thinking we fit together pretty well!