K, so here’s the deal, English will change, Goi! Gr8 eh? Lol. B4u know it, all changed. Fyi some call it Textese or SMS Language. But through will become thru And though of course tho Anyway. Goi. K so this poem might not trend, But I’m way ahead of my time, That’s my Msg. N2u tho that may b. That things must change, That is. 8 it don’t u? Such g9. Scary Tbh. 4 me and 4u. (Bm&y;). (I prefer you as yu it's tru). Just Gfi is wot I say. Even when Prw! Somy? Sotmg. Soz Laters – Sbtsbc. Ttfn and bfn. Say. Sit my friend.