When you think about it the subway is the best way to observe human life You see people from all walks and skin tones getting to their destination If you're like me occasionally you'll encounter the homeless and the visibly forsaken to that mentally ill lady in the last car, we love you dear just keep it down please And the ***** hippies feeding bread to their dogs, you teach me to value clean To the Chinese woman reading English aloud haltingly, you show us the reality of immigration There's the young man with the daycare T-shirt, dispelling stereotypes, one stand at a time Everyone is here, and everyone has a place Here on the subway Just make sure to grab a seat, because you're going on a mental journey So many ideas, so many places to see, so many new things to learn and experience, much thanks to that girl who brought out a new confidence in me, It's plain to see I love the subway
This was done with a major assist from my sister echo :)