Sometimes I look around me and the only thing I see is a sea of crowded faces staring back at me or staring at their feet or another busy street and I never stop to think, "I wonder where they'd be... if I shared the love of Jesus if I'd stop just passing by if I'd make a family of these waves of people who are just like you and I. If I stopped what I was doing and just lent a helping hand if I helped the sea of faces find a piece of solid land." I wonder what would happen if instead of seeing strangers we saw members of our family who are in terrible grave danger of crashing into rocks of anger or sinking deep into despair if they don't find the boat to safety that will take them out of there. Jesus guides that boat and he helps us all find land, He see's us as his children instead of grains of sand. And because he loves us deeply, deeper than the deepest sea, He drown himself to save us from the life that we might lead. He jumped out of the boat to make room to let more in so all people of every nation can be delivered from the depths of sin. So can we step up to the challenge? Will we look for more to save? We could be their only chance to be rescued from a watery grave.