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Jul 2015
My whole life I've been running
Running away from everything

I run through families
Like passing through doors
No one ever looking out for me
Keeping my heart beating is a chore

But the one time I might have stayed
And maybe I shouldn't have run
I simply wasn't willing to pay
If the love would never come

To this day I don't know
If I shouldn't have said goodbye
If just maybe somehow
"I love you" wasn't a lie

But I can't dwell on the matter
Or else I'll have to try and fight
It could have ended in disaster
How can I know if I was right?

I know that I ran away
And my mind goes back to that day
And the only thing I have to say
Is I'm sorry if it's not okay

I hope you can learn to love again some day
If I took all your love when I ran away

Sometimes we deny others' love because
We don't know if it's true
But we never stop to consider how
It could hurt the other person too
I'm Not Worth Your Time
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