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Dreams of Sepia
Jul 2015
The Consultant Doctor's/ Psychiatrist's Song
So just how much *******
are you prepared to believe?
Lets see, take a seat
we've got half an hour
or maybe even better
you're locked up
at my mercy
& my team
are giving you drugs
for a diagnosis
I've given you
before we've even talked
& hopefully the drugs
are curing you of life, love, hope
& any despair you're feeling
at being stuck here
what's that?
you've ballooned in weight?
all you do is sleep?
your feet are turning inward?
You're nearly diabetic?
Your hands are always shaking?
I'm shrinking your
unwanted little brain?
A small price to pay
for the promise of freedom
my little puppet
on a string
lets see just how much
******* we can make you believe
I'll make you say it
' I'm ill'
or I'll never let you out
it's just my little whim
you're one of the chosen few
whose life will be shattered in two
kiss goodbye to your emotions
What? You're angry? That's atrocious.
You are dangerous
it's good we locked you up
and what?
You say you're in love?
sheer Erotomania, my dear
we will cure it, never fear
Talking of fear,
I'd say you have paranoia
MHM, Psychosis,
that's right, Momma
Happiness is mania
Sadness is depression
having said that,
you'll hopefully want to **** yourself
after our little session
to confirm my treatment of you
I'm an expert
I've got a degree in *******
no-one has ever
dared to say I'm wrong
so don't you start
I do, you know have a heart
& it beats only for me
so if you want to be free
you'd better **** it up
& suffer
what it's like to be under the mercy of coercive/forced psychiatry..
Written by
Dreams of Sepia
Somewhere in the Universe
(Somewhere in the Universe)
Andrew Name
Liam C Calhoun
Broken Prism Prison Son
Kelley A Vinal
2 others
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