Go home soldier; No whining allowed. Shut up soldier; It’s enough to be proud. Be proud you fought To defend our systems. Just stop ******* About things wrong with them.
Go away, soldier; So what if you lost a leg? Man up, soldier; It is not polite to beg. You did your bit fine It serves no purpose to lag. Shut up now, for good; Your words seem to be a brag.
Bug off, soldier; Yours is an old sad song. Who cares soldier? We’re important, so go along. We have work to do now And laws to undo and make. We have no time for cripples, How much whining can we take?
Buck up, soldier; The churches will feed you. Not us, soldier; We no longer need you. You fought for your country In the wars of yesterday. That is an old, sad story. So, just go away.