He spoke about Mike far from the Jackson but more like the color Brown. As if whites love to see white since the lightest part of his body was in the air before his demise. I think you should cut that dread off you know the one for Mike Brown since you weren't there. Far from a activist I honestly don't give a ****. Far from an activist you're just adding fuel to extinguishing flames. You know how words spread like aids. People saw what they saw, so they say. You're no Martin you're no Malcom you're more like Powell. This is when I knew I was a racist since all lives don't matter so you say. If I was to die today in the hands of a white man. You wouldn't care since I'm light right. Spanish boy on the mic. Like if my daddy wasn't black as Wesley Snipes. But you know how the ***** daddy story goes. Never home. Left mama with a belly on her own. They don't want to be the fathers but sure in hell they want to hit the daughters. I prayed one day you'll walk through that door without the bottle. That's my only memory. A dream. So if I was to die today you wouldn't care or maybe for half I mean my dad left me slung Guess that changes the fact the left me hug like a pair Jays on the electrical line Never to come by. Never to teach how to ride a bike. Never to teach me how to fight. This is when I knew I was a racist. Because I hate people, I hate crowded places. I hate 34th street I hate 42nd. I hate the city life I should be somewhere in the country side. But back to the matter tell me would you care if I die today in the hands of a white man. What if I got killed by my enemy since minority violence is not a hate crime to society. You see Tito got popped by Jahim And Jahim lights went off in the middle of the night by Piddy But these life's don't matter right Is just minority violence Is not the same media feed. So for all you rappers, poets and activist whose saw Mikes hands up round of applause. You're just like the media feeding in to what your eyes didn't see. Is not about the truth anymore ******* but the ratings. So to the special guest of honor poet I must tell you I'm a racist I have 6 dead Spanish friends killed by all hands Black, white and of time Don't speak to me about justice This wasn't Gardner or Bell And if there's beef let me know I always keep a glock close. My life won't matter to you like to yours won't matter to me. But if that's what makes me a racist, ******* what are you?
I went to Nuyorican Cafe in the city the other day and the guest poet whose words were touching angered me he said if you believe all lives matter you're racist. I gave much thought to what I snapped my fingers to. I got mad and then agreed I'm a racist according to his thesis.